UPDATE Puppies are here April 2024 .
We will have both varieties available to suitable families and homes. Coated and Hairless , Miniature and Standard XOLO

I post all updates, photos, videos on the Facebook Group, please feel free to join our breed information group for more details on these litters and breed information. You can chat to other puppy owners and see how I work as a breeder. There are a few Xolo breeders to select for your journey and I encourage people to research all breeders to find one that suits them for this incredible journey.
To obtain a Question and Answer form to be placed on a matching list ( expression of interest) please email xolo@bigpond.com
Pets and Show potential will be available to suitable homes.

We have puppy information and breeding plans here at our Group on Facebook
All information on this group with breed information link here Wazzat XOLOitzcuintle Australia FB Group Please complete the three INTRODUCTORY questions to join

Wazzat XOLOitzcuintle Australia
All our pups are rehomed through a Question and Answer Document click here
aWazzat-Xoloitzcuintlle Q and A 2020 (copy)
Q and A Document feel free to complete an email back to xolo@bigpond.com
Wazzat XOLOitzcuintle Australia Facebook
A Q and A must be completed with all pups so Wazzat can match pups to families. Please email xolo@bigpond.com
for a Q and A to be emailed, or link above.
Expression of interest welcome for puppies.
Main and Limit register
Show potential or Pet.
email xolo@bigpond.com

For UP to DATE PUPPY XOLO information please join our Facebook site
Wazzat XOLOitzcuintle Australia .
Link Wazzat XOLOitzcuintle Group
Pets and show dogs will be available to the right homes. Please email xolo@bigpond.com for further information or join the Facebook site Wazzat XOLOitzcuintle Australia
All dogs we breed from have at least a three generation pedigree, all dogs are Hip and Elbow scored ( Standards) Minis and Intermediates ( Patellas checked) and we have eyes checked (GPRA,HC) this enables us to plan litters and see what is behind the dogs we breed. ALL dogs bred have a fully qualified temperament assessment before we breed, we are proud to say no dog we have owned or bred has been subject to a suspension through canine councils.
Puppies will be available to pet and show homes, a Puppy Q & A Form can be obtained via email or from our Facebook site, feel free to email xolo@bigpond.com
Pets will be desexed before sale and show potential dogs sold on a joint name basis to enable certain requirements to be met for the best interests of the breed ( Health testing before breeding, and breeding responsibly to at least THREE generation full pedigree standard sized Xoloitzcuintle )
PSF link below.
Prices of Xoloitzcuintle are not discussed until a Q and A is complete, however they are no dearer than other ANKC reg breeds and not the price of DOODLES. We are no more expensive than any other pure bred ethical breeder and we don’t breed for profit, we breed for the advancement of the breed, as the founder in Australia we have a job to do well. I do not have a supply of pups on call, as I do not operate as a business, and I do vet potential owners very carefully
Please email enquiries and any questions to xolo@bigpond.com
The right homes are paramount as breed ambassadors for the breed we enjoy the right people joining the Wazzat team to continue educating Australia in the breed as we have since 2009.